Artists and Illustrators Unite!

The Web accelerates a lot of things that humans would want to do anyway, particularly connecting with other people. For artists, the ability to connect is like gold. Looking at other people's work makes your own work better.

The Escape from Illustration Island blog is a terrific example. Thomas James spends a lot of energy on amassing useful tips of all sorts for artists and illustrators. It's indeed a gold mine.

Here are a few items that I find particularly useful:

What do you wish you knew when you started? Read the comments, where artists (like me) offer hard-won wisdom

How to work with an illustrator, over on Thomas' own site

So if you are a freelance artist, or you know one, or someone you know is considering getting into the field (perhaps after they graduate), send them over. These are the types of resources that artists need in order to run their business and not feel like they are selling out or being taken advantage of. Thanks Thomas!